
How Pro Sports Became Part of the U.S. Military’s War Machine
Since 9/11, public displays of patriotism have been built into major sporting events. Here's why that's so insidious.
William J. Astore

Trump Quietly Overrides What Little Civilian Protections Remain in Yemen War
Ignoring Congress, Trump says he doesn't have to obey limited protections included in the defense bill.
Sarah Lazare and Shireen Al-Adeimi

How Prison Gerrymandering Strips Power from Communities of Color
Prisoners have become the latest tools in statewide redistricting strategies to empower rural, white districts.
Grace Dixon

What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the 1970s New Communist Movement
An interview with Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air.
Micah Uetricht

We Can’t Confront Fascism Without Addressing White Settler Colonialism
Why Indigenous resistance is central to the fight against white supremacy.
Jen Deerinwater

Will the Mexican President-Elect’s “New Revolution” Include the Thousands of Disappeared?
Abandoned by the state, families are continuing the search for their missing loved ones. Andrés Manuel López Obrador has an opportunity to help.
Chantal Flores

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
The newly elected Democratic nominee for Congress talks about how she plans to help working-class Detroit and why she supports a one-state solution for Israel-Palestine.
Valerie Vande Panne

There Is a Coordinated Campaign to Suppress Criticism of Israel
Israel's human rights violations are accompanied by U.S. efforts to stifle dissent.
Azadeh Shahshahani

Why the Democratic Socialists of America Won’t Stop Growing
The inside story of DSA’s dramatic ascent.
Kate Aronoff

A Bold Foreign Policy Platform for the New Wave of Left Lawmakers
Socialists and other progressives are running for office on strong domestic programs. Here’s how their foreign policy platform can be just as strong.
Phyllis Bennis

Despite El-Sayed’s Loss, The Left Scored Some Huge Wins—and Showed It’s Winning the War
From Kansas to Michigan to Missouri, voters proved that left politics can win in the Midwest. Get ready for the coming wave.
Theo Anderson

“Commie Cadet” Spenser Rapone On Why He Left the U.S. Military and Became a Socialist
In an interview, Rapone explains how he went from a proud teenage Army private to an anti-war activist and member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Ryan Smith

Fine Print in Defense Bill Acknowledges U.S.-Backed War in Yemen Will Go On Indefinitely
Lawmakers' efforts to limit U.S. support for the Yemen War have failed to stop the bloody Saudi-led assault on the port city of Hodeida.
Shireen Al-Adeimi

Cynthia Nixon’s Plan to Stem Mass Incarceration Has a Uniquely Feminist Provision
The candidate has a plank to help survivors of domestic violence who are incarcerated for defending themselves.
Rachel Johnson

The $717 Billion Defense Bill That Just Breezed Through the Senate Should Be a National Scandal
Democrats and Republicans rubber-stamped a severely bloated war budget.
Lindsay Koshgarian

What You Need To Know About Democratic Socialism
Democratic socialism is having a moment. From electing open socialists to ending capitalism, here’s what the movement is all about.
Marianela D’Aprile

With Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Backing Him, Abdul El-Sayed May Be on the Verge of a Stunning Upset
Riding a wave of left energy, gubernatorial candidate El-Sayed could follow the lead of Sanders in 2016 and score a shocking primary win in Michigan.
Theo Anderson

The Media Is Giving Facebook a Free Pass to Shut Down Activists Over Russia Fears
An anti-fascist coalition says its event page was unfairly targeted in the tech giant's latest crackdown.
Sarah Lazare and Julianne Tveten

Jonathan Chait Is the Last Person We Should Listen To When It Comes to Trump and Russia
Chait says Russiagate skeptics are foolish. Here's why he's completely wrong.
Branko Marcetic

The Long History of America’s Violent Intervention in Afghanistan
The people of Afghanistan are paying a horrible price for the protracted U.S. occupation.
Gregory Shupak

On Michael Harrington’s Democratic Socialism
Maurice Isserman's biography of Harrington depicts a fierce lifelong advocate for democratic socialism who butted heads with the New Left but never wavered in his commitment to economic justice.
Kim Phillips-Fein

Michael Harrington, an American Socialist
DSA founder Michael Harrington served as a moral tribune for a broad community by virtue of the democratic and egalitarian content of his socialist message, and by his ceaseless commitment to spreading it.
Harold Meyerson

Socialists Practice Internal Democracy, Endorse Cynthia Nixon—And the Media Is Riveted
Mainstream outlets can't stop writing about how the NYC DSA’s endorsement of Cynthia Nixon was a model of democracy in action, unlike the Democratic Party.
Kate Aronoff

“Democratic Socialism Will Prevail”: An Interview with Ron Dellums in 1976
Dellums, a democratic socialist member of the House of Representatives, was interviewed in the first issue of In These Times, saying “if democracy means anything, it should mean a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”
John Judis