
What Italy’s “Potere al Popolo” Can Teach Us About Building a Popular Party of the Left
This party is rejecting the false choice between a Europe united under the misery of austerity, or one united under the horrors of racism and bigotry.
Valentina Dallona
Chicago’s Far South Side Is Finally Getting a Train—And It’s Thanks to Decades of Organizing
Residents hope the transit extension will shorten commutes and bring much-needed jobs.
Patrick Corley
When It Comes to the Fake News Scourge, Russia Doesn’t Hold a Candle to U.S. Conservative Media
The panic over Russian interference obscures the fact that fake news has always been with us—it’s just been pushed by the American Right.
Branko Marcetic
While Democrats Call for Gun Control at Home, They Push Deadly Arms Deals Abroad
To seriously address the scourge of gun violence, we must oppose U.S. militarism around the globe. Many leading Democrats haven’t gotten the message.
Adam Johnson
The FBI Questioned a Black Man About Racist Extremists in Charlottesville—Now He Could Go to Prison
Authorities are arresting and charging anti-racist demonstrators for events connected to the Unite the Right rally, even though it was white supremacists who unleashed violence on the town.
Michael Arria
The People of Honduras Do Not Owe Obedience to an Imposed Government
Despite brutal repression, the people of Honduras have resisted the U.S.-backed dictatorship since the 2009 coup d’état.
Melissa Cardoza
INVESTIGATION: The Troubled History of the Fund Tapped for Rahm’s Controversial Cop Academy
$20 million in West Side TIF money for job creation has sat unspent, and another $36 million was "ported" to other districts. Now more than $10 million is being used for a police academy that will create only 100 temporary jobs.
Rebecca Burns
Beyond Hollywood: Domestic Workers Say #MeToo
Ai-jen Poo on how a new women’s movement is building—from house cleaners to Hollywood stars
Jessica Stites
“Marriage and Love Have Nothing In Common”: Emma Goldman on Romance and Sexual Freedom
The anarchist, labor organizer and rabble rouser Emma Goldman published this essay, "Marriage and Love," in 1914.
Emma Goldman
Lorde Took a Stand for Palestinian Rights. Now an Israeli Organization Is Suing Her Fans.
Lawsuit against two New Zealand citizens is a test case for Israel's draconian anti-BDS legislation.
Alex Kane
Can the Democratic Party’s Left Flank Win in 2018? This Illinois Primary Could Be a Bellwether
Progressive challenger Marie Newman is hoping to shock the political establishment by unseating House Rep. Dan Lipinski, a conservative Democrat and longtime incumbent.
Daniel Moattar
This Former NFL Player Is Running on a Progressive Agenda to Flip a Red District in Texas
Former linebacker Colin Allred is hoping to take out Republican Rep. Pete Sessions by campaigning on Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage and automatic voter registration. But first, he will have to win the upcoming Democratic primary.
Kate Aronoff
How the Red Scare Shaped the Artificial Distinction Between Migrants and Refugees
Our modern-day definitions of displaced people emerged during the Cold War as a product of anti-communism.
Sarah Lazare
“We Have the People”: Bernie Sanders Responds to Trump’s SOTU Speech
The progressive Vermont senator rebukes Trump as a compulsively dishonest bully “trying to divide us up based on the color of our skin, our nation of origin, our religion, our gender, or our sexual orientation.”
Bernie Sanders
Rep. Barbara Lee Is Boycotting Trump’s State of the Union Tonight—Here’s Why
Lee released a statement denouncing Trump's racism, lies and ties to the alt-right.
Rep. Barbara Lee
The Legacy of Investigative Journalist Robert Parry (1949-2018)
Robert Parry, editor and publisher of Consortiumnews.com, died peacefully Saturday evening. In this tribute, his son Nat Parry describes Robert’s unwavering commitment to independent journalism.
Nat Parry
When They Call You a Terrorist
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors on her path to activism and being criminalized at age 12.
Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha bandele
Trump’s Dreamer “Deal” Reads Like a White Nationalist Wish List
In exchange for protecting Dreamers, the Trump administration is seeking to restrict immigration and increase deportations on a vast scale.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Bernie Sanders Just Sidestepped Corporate Media to Promote Medicare for All to 1 Million Viewers
The democratic socialist senator’s town hall on universal healthcare marks a new phase in the political revolution.
Theo Anderson
Democratic Leaders Sold Out DACA Recipients. Maybe It’s Time for Voters to Replace Them.
By negotiating a government funding deal with no protections for immigrants, top Democrats made a strong case for why the party's activist base should be able to replace them with new leadership.
Kate Aronoff
The Planet Is Burning and Neoliberalism Is Not the Answer
Why market-based solutions like cap-and-trade aren't progressive.
Scott Edwards
The Next Steps for the Women’s March? Moving a Progressive Agenda.
After year one of the Trump presidency, women are furious. Now, many are asking where we go from here.
Jordan Sarti and Hannah Steinkopf-Frank
Wall Street Isn’t the Answer to the Pension Crisis. Expanding Social Security Is.
The economic fate of workers shouldn't be tied to a stock market that rewards assaults on the working class.
Doug Henwood and Liza Featherstone
Houston Is Being Rebuilt on a Foundation of Wage Theft
The exploitation after the storm.
Bryce Covert
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