
Universal Basic Income: A Primer
Here’s why everyone’s demanding free money from the government.
Dayton Martindale
The Zuckerberg Hearings Were a Show Trial, And Facebook’s Monopoly Remains Unthreatened
Despite public outrage, Congress is not taking meaningful steps to break the power of Facebook.
Julianne Tveten
Senate Democrats Offer Little-to-No Opposition to Trump’s Expansion of Syria Bombings
Ninety-two percent of Senate Democrats and Independents failed to substantively dissent against Trump's April 13 airstrikes.
Sarah Lazare
Law Enforcement Has Quietly Backed Anti-Protest Bills in at Least 8 States Since Trump’s Election
And that may be the tip of the iceberg.
Simon Davis-Cohen and Sarah Lazare
The Race to Replace Paul Ryan Says Everything About Party Politics in 2018
With Ryan out, Paul Nehlen, an open white supremacist, is the leading Republican, while Randy Bryce, a progressive populist, is running as a Democrat.
Kate Aronoff
After U of Chicago Cop Shoots Undergrad, Students Say It’s Time to Defund and Disarm Campus Police
Police shot student Charles Thomas last week while he was in the grips of an apparent mental health crisis.
Alex V. Hernandez
Trump Doesn’t Care About Civilian Deaths. Just Look at Yemen.
For three years, the United States has backed a brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen, and ordinary people are paying the price.
Shireen Al-Adeimi
From Harriet Tubman to Black Panther
An artist speaks on heroism in the Black community.
Madiha Hussaini
Bombs Aren’t the Answer: A Case for Vigorous Diplomacy in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen
The latest escalation in Syria underlines the need for political, not military, solutions.
Stephen R. Weissman
Ta-Nehisi Coates Made the Case for Reparations—Here’s Who Is Making the Plan
Black scholars and organizers are thinking beyond just a check.
Dayton Martindale
The DCCC’s Long, Ugly History of Sabotaging Progressives
The latest attacks on left challengers are no fluke: For decades the House Democratic fundraising body has put corporate, big-money interests first.
Branko Marcetic
This Hawaiian Lawmaker Fought Mark Zuckerberg Off Native Land. Now He’s Running for Congress.
DSA member Kaniela Ing is calling for 100 percent renewable energy, universal basic income and a jobs guarantee.
Kate Aronoff
For Cowboy Poets, One Topic is Taboo
They love the land. But few at the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering want to talk about how climate change is ravaging the West.
Carson Vaughan
Bernie’s Platform Could Win in Maryland’s Gov. Race, With Support From Clinton Voters
Former NAACP President Ben Jealous is building a broad coalition of progressives to take out a popular GOP governor in Maryland.
Bruce Vail
It Looks Like Bill Gates’ Devotion to Child Welfare Doesn’t Extend to Children in Yemen
The billionaire philanthropist is rolling out the red carpet for Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who is overseeing the mass starvation and death of children in Yemen.
Sarah Lazare
Drink Your Coffee Black-Owned
A cooperative Atlanta cafe is step one toward an alternative to white capitalism.
Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo
Electing Progressive Prosecutors Isn’t Enough. Now, Activists Are Holding Them Accountable.
From Kim Foxx in Chicago to Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, reform-minded prosecutors are facing pressure from organizers working to transform the criminal justice system.  
Adeshina Emmanuel
John Bolton Isn’t Just a Hawk—He’s a War Criminal Who May Get Us All Killed
In a sane society, people like Bolton wouldn’t be allowed on television, much less put in charge of American security.
Juan Cole
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