
Democratic Leaders Sold Out DACA Recipients. Maybe It’s Time for Voters to Replace Them.
By negotiating a government funding deal with no protections for immigrants, top Democrats made a strong case for why the party's activist base should be able to replace them with new leadership.
Kate Aronoff
Centrist Dems May Not Call Black and Brown Communities Shitholes—But They Treat Them That Way
The loud denunciations of Trump serve to hide liberal racism.
Benji Hart
How Wisconsin’s Progressive Revival Could Help Randy Bryce Unseat Paul Ryan
A surge of grassroots organizing mixed with anger at Trump and the GOP could pave the way for Bryce to take down the House Speaker.
Kate Aronoff
Move Over, Corporate Democrats. A New Wave of Left Populists Is on the Rise.
It's 2018. Candidates don't need the establishment anymore.
Theo Anderson
The GOP Tax Bill Opened a New Front in the Class War
Republicans just sold out the poor and middle class to enrich the wealthy elite. Next year is an opportunity to take back what's rightfully ours.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Roy Moore’s Loss Signals a GOP Tearing Itself Apart Ahead of 2018
The upset win by Doug Jones in Alabama shows the Republicans have nothing to offer and everything to lose.
Theo Anderson
The Self-Help Guru Who Shaped Trump’s Worldview
How the commander-in-chief succumbs to the perils of positive thinking.
Chris Lehmann
Berniecrats Score Another Major Win Against the Democratic Establishment
Under proposed reforms pushed by backers of Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential primary would take place on a much fairer playing field than in 2016.
Cole Stangler
Trump’s FCC Bids Farewell to the Internet as We Know It
The internet is about to become more expensive and far less free.
Mark Dunbar
When Billionaires Battle for Public Office, Working People Always Lose
The upcoming Illinois governor’s race is more proof that big campaign spending narrows political possibilities and increases inequality.
Emma Tai
Worried About Russian Foreign Interference? Take a Look Into Saudi Arabia.
For decades, the D.C. establishment has been on the payroll of a foreign terror state. But because it's Saudi Arabia, you won't hear a peep.
Branko Marcetic
A Newly Elected Democratic Socialist On How to Win in Trump Country
Ross Grooters explains how he won a city council seat as an open socialist in Pleasant Hill, Iowa—which last year went for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.
Isaiah J. Poole, People's Action
Why Didn’t We Listen to this Guy?: Bernie Sanders on the GOP Tax Plan and Global Oligarchy
Rural America In These Times
How Democratic Socialists Took On Centrists and the Right Wing at the Ballot Box
David Duhalde, deputy director of the Democratic Socialists of America, discusses the group's recent electoral success—and what they have planned for 2018.
Sarah Jaffe
Bernie Sanders Is Now Backing Randy Bryce—Which Could Be Very Bad News for Paul Ryan
Sanders' endorsement of Bryce comes at a time when the former union organizer and steelworker is rising in the polls in his bid to unseat House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Marc Daalder
Barbara Lee’s War on War
Washington’s voice of conscience since 9/11.
Matthew Cunningham-Cook
The Paradise Papers Are Proof That Capitalism and Racism Fuel The Global Plutocracy
To end the immoral abuses documented in the Paradise Papers, we must challenge the systems of both entrenched wealth and racial domination.
Sam Adler-Bell
The Elephants in the Resistance: Don’t Trust the Anti-Trump Republicans
Sen. Jeff Flake and his ilk aren’t the heroes we’re looking for.
Rick Perlstein
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