
Hillary Clinton and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
Do young people oppose Clinton because they're sexist—or because they're looking for something more in politics?
Theo Anderson
On Israel and Palestine, Bernie Sanders Is Right—And Hillary Clinton Knows It
For the first time in memory, a major American political figure insisted publicly that the Jewish state and its leaders are "not always right," and that they had killed and injured far too many blameless human beings.
Joe Conason
Bernie Sanders Must Defy the Pro-Israel Lobby and Reinstate His Anti-Occupation Jewish Advisor
Simone Zimmerman was suspended from her position for her comments against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But her position reflects the diversity of thought among millennial Jews—and should be celebrated, not punished.
Marc Daalder
The Paradox of Bernie Sanders and the Black Voter
Despite Sanders' historic election, we still don’t seem any closer to resolving the rancorous intra-left debates about race and class.
Salim Muwakkil
From Broad City to the Era of the Single, Independent Woman: Female Solidarity Has Gone Mainstream
Amy Schumer, Samantha Bee and Rebecca Traister herald a new epoch of female independence
Susan J. Douglas
A Progressive Case for Clinton
I am a progressive, I like Hillary Clinton and I do not feel remotely conflicted about that.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Why Jonathan Chait Is Wrong About Marxism, Liberalism and Free Speech
According to Marxists, the glaring problem with liberalism isn’t its emphasis on freedom and equality, but its inherent inability to ever meaningfully achieve these ideals in practice.
Tyler Zimmer
The Racist Agenda Behind the Now-Dead ‘Friedrichs’ Supreme Court Case
A negative ruling would have led to a closing of the on-ramp to the middle class for women and people of color.
Naomi Walker
Obama’s Cuba Visit Reflects Shift of Cuban-Americans Away From the GOP
Younger Cuban Americans are radically departing from the political views of their elders
Achy Obejas
Chicago Activists Should Be Commended, Not Scolded, for Shutting Down Donald Trump’s Rally
Peaceful resistance doesn’t egg on Trump’s supporters—it forces them to back down.
Marilyn Katz
Stranger Danger: To Resolve the Migrant Crisis We Must Recognize the Stranger Within Ourselves
It is such silence that really helps our racist enemies in that it feeds the distrust of ordinary people—(“You see, they are not telling us the truth!”)—boosting the credibility of racist rumors and lies.
Slavoj Žižek
Why Don’t African-American Voters Feel the Bern?
Better the devil they know than the one they don't.
Peter White
How Bernie Sanders Bridged a Generational Divide
The 74-year old Sanders has proved to be the anti-greedy geezer.
Susan J. Douglas
Tuesday Night Was Pretty Rough for Bernie Sanders
But his supporters should take solace in the fact that he has opened up new possibilities in American politics.
Marc Daalder
The Morning After the Nomination: Will Clinton and Sanders Supporters Come Together?
On July 28, either Sanders or Clinton will accept the Democratic Party nomination. It will be up to their supporters to unite in November.
Joel Bleifuss
How Black Youth Helped Unseat Anita Alvarez and Transform the Face of Criminal Justice in Chicago
Black youth-led groups organizing for justice played a key role in Kim Foxx's win in the Cook County state's attorney race Tuesday night. And they're showing no signs of slowing down.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
In No Uncertain Terms, U.N. Calls Out U.S. for Lack of Reparations to African-Americans
40 acres and a mule won't cut it
Salim Muwakkil
Our Political System Is in the Midst of a Massive Realignment. Here’s How the Left Should Respond.
We have an opportunity to build a different kind of party.
Shaun Richman
Stopping Trump: The Chicago Model
How the people of Chicago silenced Donald Trump.
Marilyn Katz
What Bernie Sanders—and His Supporters—Must Remember Before November
There are lessons to be learned from the 2000 presidential campaign.
Joe Conason
Bernie Sanders’ Michigan Victory Just Proved That a Democratic Socialist Can Actually Win
With his upset win, Sanders showed the potential for his democratic socialist message to resonate across the country
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Bernie Sanders’ Stunning Upset Victory in Michigan Means This Race Is Far from Over
Nobody—especially the pollsters—saw this coming.
Marc Daalder
No We Can’t, Without a Revolution: Why Bernie Sanders Is More of a Realist Than Barack Obama
Without a political revolution, Sanders' agenda is sure to fail. And he knows it.
Darlena Cunha
The Truth About Donald Trump’s Populism
What Matt Taibbi's overlooking: All fascists achieve and cement power in remarkably similar ways.
Rick Perlstein
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