
The GOP’s Latest Red-Baiting Tactic? Tying a Democratic Challenger to In These Times.
In a desperate move, Colorado Republican Rep. Scott Tipton is attempting to paint his opponent Diane Mitsch Bush as a socialist threat because she subscribed to In These Times.
Jim Naureckas

A Spectre Is Haunting the White House: Why the Trump Administration Is So Scared of Socialism
A new report from the Trump White House attempts to curb the growth of socialism in the United States. Clearly, the administration sees the movement as a real threat.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Democratic Socialist Jovanka Beckles Could Upset Buffy ‘the Bernie Slayer’ Wicks in CA
Beckles is running in the East Bay on a solidly left-wing platform and her campaign is gaining steam ahead of the November 6 election.
Keisa Reynolds

Van Dyke’s Guilty Verdict Was Made Possible By Decades of Activism Against Racist Policing
The murder conviction of Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke didn't happen in a vacuum—it was the result of years of community outrage over police violence.
Flint Taylor

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Have Been Getting Away With Murder for Years
Saudi Arabia's alleged killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has forced the kingdom's brutality into the media spotlight. Meanwhile, the war on Yemen has taken a back seat.
Roqayah Chamseddine

Trump’s Space Force Is No Joke
China, Russia, and the U.S. are already militarizing space. Here’s why that’s dangerous.
Branko Marcetic

To Address the Climate Crisis, We Must Completely Rethink How We Produce and Consume Food
Market-driven solutions won't cut it.
Christopher D. Cook

The Case For Giving Every American $25 “Democracy Vouchers” For Every Election
Refusing corporate donations is just a start—we need real campaign finance reform to revive democracy. A radical experiment in Seattle may point the way forward.
Adam Eichen

The Discourse on Palestine Is Shifting. Will Concrete Policy Changes Follow?
The conversation is still overwhelmingly one-sided. But that's slowly changing thanks to the hard work of activists.
Phyllis Bennis

Socialist Foreign Policy Must Center Climate Change
A new progressive internationalism must be tailored to meet this century’s challenges.
Meredith Tax

These Activists Say Sabotaging Pipelines Is Legally Justified Because Humanity Hangs in the Balance
A landmark trial will test the argument that civil disobedience is needed for the greater good.
Jessica Corbett

The Philippine President Is Waging a Ruthless War on Drugs—And the U.S. Is Complicit
The International People’s Tribunal found that President Rodrigo Duterte is responsible for grave human rights violations.
Azadeh Shahshahani

F*ck Columbus: Let’s Honor the Indigenous Communities Leading the Way on Climate Justice
As the legacy of colonialism destroys our environment, Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of fighting back.
Jade Begay

Cook County Jail Is on Lockdown Over Van Dyke Verdict—And Activists Are Furious
“These people are being punished because a cop is going to jail? It doesn’t make sense," says activist Hesna Bokoum.
Sarah Lazare

‘This Is Historic’: Why the Van Dyke Guilty Verdict Is a Victory For the Movement For Black Lives
In an interview, Black Lives Matter organizer Aislinn Pulley explains why she sees the verdict as a step toward dismantling the systems of racist policing and economic inequality that have defined Chicago for decades.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

How Saudi Money Keeps the U.S. at War in Yemen
On the Saudi lobby juggernaut.
Ben Freeman

Brett Kavanaugh Is Rape Culture Personified
Kavanaugh doesn’t just benefit from a system that shields men in the face of endemic sexual abuse—he embodies it.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Climate Change Is Already a Public Health Crisis—Just Look at Puerto Rico
Being poor and trapped by a hurricane can become a deadly condition.
Olivia Alperstein

The Kavanaugh Debacle Shows How “Never-Trump” Republicans Are Frauds
These Republicans are publicly billing themselves as Trump critics. But when it comes Brett Kavanaugh, they are largely pushing the president's agenda.
Michael Arria

The Real Lesson from the Downfall of Theranos: We Need to Nationalize the Healthcare System
Tech startups will never be the answer to the healthcare crisis—their business model is opposed to making care equitable and accessible.
Natalie Shure

The Abolitionist Case for Prosecuting Killer Cop Jason Van Dyke
On fighting for justice, this side of revolution.
Aislinn Pulley and Frank Chapman

How Kavanaugh Is Infuriating—And Electrifying—The Grassroots
Allegations are mounting, and so are public protests.
Hannah Steinkopf-Frank

A Progressive Platform To Take Back Chicago in 2019
With Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel out, progressive candidates should embrace a bold redistributive platform that meets the demands of the city’s social movements.
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa and Rossana Rodriguez

Pompeo and Bolton Are Headlining a Pro-War, Anti-Iran Event—And We Should All Be Very Worried
The Trump administration's decision to send senior officials to the annual summit of "United Against Nuclear Iran" is deeply troubling.
Eli Clifton and Derek Davison