
Elon Musk Endorses Rex Tillerson, Confirming That Elon Musk Is Terrible
He also reminds us why a revenue-neutral carbon tax is terrible.
Kate Aronoff
Don’t Deride Liberals Who Attended the Women’s March—Recruit Them to Radical Politics
The fact that 3 million people took to the streets to protest President Trump shows that the possibility of a mass Left movement in the U.S. is now very real.
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Trump’s Speech Shows His Dark But Compelling Vision of America. We Need To Offer Something Better.
His potent blend of populist rhetoric and right-wing nationalism is effective among his base—and terrifying.
Kate Aronoff
Disruption Is Good—Starting with the Inauguration
This weekend’s protests are just the beginning.
Kate Aronoff
The GOP’s Healthcare Plans Have Awakened the Wrath of a Powerful Constituency: Older Americans
Baby boomers won't take cuts to Medicare and Social Security without a fight.
Susan J. Douglas
Bill Moyers: “Hidden Figures” Shows How Far We’ve Come—And Why Jeff Sessions Is Such a Threat
Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general wants to roll back progress on racial justice.
Bill Moyers
Does the Left Bear Any Blame for Donald Trump?
The role of progressives in the 2016 election.
James Thindwa and Kathleen Geier
Reflections on Barack Obama: A Great and Disappointing President
Hope, change and the limits of the office.
Salim Muwakkil
Corporate America is Inching Even Closer to a Constitutional Convention
In statehouses across the country, ALEC-backed legislators are pushing for a balanced-budget amendment, a repeal of the federal income tax and more.
Simon Davis-Cohen
Either Rex Tillerson Lied Under Oath, Or He Doesn’t Understand How Fossil Fuel Subsidies Work
At Wednesday's confirmation hearing, Trump's secretary of state pick denied that Exxon Mobil receives subsidies. It does.
Kate Aronoff
Diane Ravitch: Trump’s Nominee for Secretary of Education Could Gut Public Ed
Billionaire Betsy DeVos will be great for private, religious and charter schools—and bad news for students and teachers.
Diane Ravitch
Why We Need a New Left Internationalism
Neither neoliberal globalization nor populist isolationism offers a workable path forward.
Leon Fink
“There’s Not Very Much Time”: Robert Reich’s Plan to Fix the Democratic Party
The progressive economist outlines his vision for reviving the economy, reinventing the party and resisting Donald Trump.
Joel Bleifuss
“Identity Politics” Takes a Hit
After the election, many on the Black Left are once again grappling with the "race vs. class" debate.
Salim Muwakkil
A Deal with the Orange Devil? Progressives Debate Whether to Seek Common Ground With Trump
The president-elect says he wants a jobs-creating infrastructure bill—should Democrats help make it happen?
John Feffer and Max Sawicky
Donald Trump’s Plans Are Incredibly Unpopular
The president-elect is missing a mandate in more ways than one.
Susan J. Douglas
How Colleges and Universities Are Defying Trump
The student campaign to make schools into sanctuaries for undocumented immigrants.
Kate Aronoff
Democratic Elites Are Uneasy With Keith Ellison. That Is Exactly Why He Should Be Head of the DNC.
The Democratic Party must be rebuilt—from the bottom up.
Joel Bleifuss
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