Aaron is senior program director of Free Press, a national, nonpartisan organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for more democratic media. He works regularly on a variety of issues related to media ownership, public broadcasting, cable TV and the future of the Internet.
Before joining Free Press, Aaron was an investigative reporter for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, where he helped create and launch www.WhiteHouseForSale.org, a site that tracked major funders of the 2004 presidential campaign. He has appeared as a commentator on ABC World News Tonight, the BBC and NPR and his work has been cited in the Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and numerous other national and local publications.
Aaron served as managing editor of In These Times from 1999 to 2003. He also worked as the features, news and assistant editor of the magazine. Aaron is the editor of Appeal to Reason: 25 Years In These Times (Seven Stories Press), an essay collection and anthology published on the magazine’s silver anniversary.
Aaron’s reporting, commentary and criticism have also appeared in Dissent, The Progressive, TomPaine.com, Alternet and Dollars & Sense. He has taught in the journalism department of Chicago’s Columbia College and advised the Independent Press Association. He is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.