
Bernie Sanders’ Election Would Mean the End of ‘Too Big To Fail’ on Wall Street
Why have the power players of the Democratic Party allowed this to continue?
Larry Cohen
Expanding Housing Assistance to the Poor and Middle Class Is Actually Easier Than You Think
We'd just have to take away subsidies to people who are rich enough not to need them.
Daniel Hertz
Raise a Glass to These Progressive Victories in 2015
From the death of the Keystone XL pipeline to Fight for 15 victories, progressives made have major strides this year--thanks to groundwork laid over the past decade.
James Thindwa
The New Star Wars Film is the Same Old Hackneyed Nonsense—Please Don’t Kill Me for Saying It
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens racking up more and more acclaim, have audiences forgotten the narrative complexity and moral ambiguity cinema is capable of?
Eileen Jones
The Paris Climate Agreement Sets Ambitious Goals, But Countries Won’t Achieve Them—Without Us
COP21's heart may have been in the right place, but by the numbers, the sum is still climate catastrophe.
Tom Ladendorf
Why Zizek’s Critics are Wrong—and Where They Could Have Gotten it Right
Zizek's critique of the refugee crisis is more sophisticated than his critics are willing to admit—but he, too, missed something big.
Jamil Khader
Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well
For some, the Paris attacks were a windfall
Leonard C. Goodman
The Right’s Response to the Paris Attacks Is Shameful and Opportunistic
Trump et al. should take a lesson from a 4-year-old boy in Paris.
Susan J. Douglas
Why We Can’t Bridge the Gulf Between Donald Trump Supporters and the Rest of Us
When one side believes poor people, immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ people and others deserve rights and the other doesn't, how can we possibly bridge the gap?
Waleed Shahid
I Saw Disturbing Racism at Yale After 9/11. Sadly, It Seems Little Has Changed.
When will our universities stop treating students of color as throwaway items in the grooming of privileged white students?
Saqib Bhatti
For Laquan McDonald and All Victims of Police Brutality, We Have To Win
If the progressive movement can't organize itself to fight back against racism and injustice in Chicago and around the country, police murders like those of Laquan McDonald, Freddie Gray and Rekia Boyd will never stop.
Katelyn Johnson
The Israeli Occupation Is Its Own Worst Enemy
Boycotting Israel is the best way to save the country from itself.
Marc Daalder
Why Slavoj Zizek Is Wrong About the Syrian Refugee Crisis—And Psychoanalysis
A response to Zizek's recent In These Times piece.
Sam Kriss
What Was Won and Lost in Steven Salaita’s University of Illinois Settlement
Salaita’s settlement is a victory for him and academic freedom. But will we ever know who was watching him—and us?
Marilyn Katz
3 Winners and 3 Losers from the Second Democratic Debate
Parsing the results of the Iowa debate.
Theo Anderson
The Paris Attacks Can’t Be Used To Limit Refugees or Blindly Bomb More Civilians
Our response to such unspeakable tragedies can't be to create even more tragedies in other countries.
Gregory Shupak
What a Good Moderator Will Ask Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the Next Democratic Debate
Two issues that haven't received nearly enough attention.
Joe Conason
Why Cities Around the Country Should Adopt Municipal ID Programs
The IDs have proven a game-changer for immigrants in New York City, New Haven and elsewhere.
Emily Tucker
The GOP Debate Finally Got Substantive… But That Didn’t Make It Any Less Terrifying
Last night’s debate on economic issues showed yet again how uninterested the GOP is in fighting inequality.
Marc Daalder
Will the Media Again Rush to Declare Clinton the Winner of Tonight’s Democratic Forum?
Why TV's talking heads discount Bernie Sanders
Joel Bleifuss
The United States’ Deplorable Parental Leave Policies Are Hurting Our Kids’ Futures
While wealthy parents pour more resources into their children's futures, middle- and lower-income families are being squeezed, resulting in an education gap
Susan J. Douglas
20 Years After the Million Man March, Louis Farrakhan Can Still Draw A Crowd—And Make Media Uneasy
The 82-year old Nation of Islam leader filled the National Mall in October. Why didn't the media take much notice?
Salim Muwakkil
A Chemical-Industrial Complex
Why do many hazardous chemicals go unregulated in the United States? An In These Times investigation reveals the answer.
Joel Bleifuss
The Republican Congressional Caucus Has Devolved Into a Comedy of Errors
The antics of the Republican congressional caucus would be funny if they weren't affecting the orderly functioning of our federal government.
Jim Hightower
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