
What Will It Take To Stop Trump’s Muslim Ban?
Movements are gearing up for the fight ahead.
Michelle Chen

How the Disappearance of an Indigenous Activist Sparked an Uprising in Argentina
A conflict between indigenous communities and capitalist plunderers has long been simmering. The case of Santiago Maldonado brought tensions to a boiling point.
Juan Cruz Ferre

Trump’s Covert Wars: Elite Commandos Deployed to a Record 149 Countries in 2017
Trump’s first year set a record for U.S. special ops.
Nick Turse

Don’t Thank Democrats. A Tradition of Black Radical Organizing Paved the Way for the Alabama Upset.
How decades of organizing against the suppression of the Black vote made Roy Moore's defeat possible.
Sarah Lazare

In Defense of Wildfire
What climate activists, right-wing loggers and Smokey Bear get wrong
Joseph Bullington

Roy Moore’s Loss Signals a GOP Tearing Itself Apart Ahead of 2018
The upset win by Doug Jones in Alabama shows the Republicans have nothing to offer and everything to lose.
Theo Anderson

Meet the European Petrochemical Giant Trying to Profit from the Fracking of Pennsylvania
The controversial Mariner East 2 pipeline would carry gas liquids for plastics production overseas.
Wenonah Hauter

Berniecrats Score Another Major Win Against the Democratic Establishment
Under proposed reforms pushed by backers of Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential primary would take place on a much fairer playing field than in 2016.
Cole Stangler

Inside Honduras’ Torch-Lit Marches Against the U.S.-Backed Dictatorship
Thousands are defying military curfew to protest what they say is a fraudulent election.
Heather Gies

The Limits of the “Resistance” in Congress? Key Democrats Back Trump’s Disastrous Israel Policy.
Trump's reckless move on Jerusalem was abetted by leading figures in the Democratic Party.
David Palumbo-Liu

Trump’s FCC Bids Farewell to the Internet as We Know It
The internet is about to become more expensive and far less free.
Mark Dunbar

When Billionaires Battle for Public Office, Working People Always Lose
The upcoming Illinois governor’s race is more proof that big campaign spending narrows political possibilities and increases inequality.
Emma Tai

These Mainers Aren’t Ready To Give Up on Flipping Susan Collins’ Tax Vote
A conversation with Mike Tipping of the Maine People's Alliance.
Sarah Jaffe

Why the Sanders-Warren Plan for Puerto Rico Is a Model for Climate Legislation
To repair after disasters—and prevent future ones—we can't be afraid to spend public money on things people need.
Kate Aronoff

Worried About Russian Foreign Interference? Take a Look Into Saudi Arabia.
For decades, the D.C. establishment has been on the payroll of a foreign terror state. But because it's Saudi Arabia, you won't hear a peep.
Branko Marcetic

What We Got Wrong When Covering the Bill Clinton Sexual Abuse Allegations
In this #MeToo moment, looking back at our coverage.
Jessica Stites

The GOP Tax Bill Is Basically Like Throwing Gasoline On The Dumpster Fire That Is the Climate Crisis
The latest Republican scheme isn’t just bad news for the economy, it will be terrible for the environment.
Kate Aronoff

A Newly Elected Democratic Socialist On How to Win in Trump Country
Ross Grooters explains how he won a city council seat as an open socialist in Pleasant Hill, Iowa—which last year went for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.
Isaiah J. Poole, People's Action

The Tax Bill Battle Shows the Left Needs a “Single Payer of Fiscal Policy”
A conversation with Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy for All Coalition.
Sarah Jaffe

Fascism in the United States Can’t Be Defeated Without a Mass Movement
A broad-front approach means drawing from a range of social movements—all those harmed by the reactionary right.
Shane Burley

After the Keystone XL Approval, Here’s What’s Next for the Climate Movement
The battle is far from over—and has already transformed the way environmental campaigns are waged.
Kate Aronoff

How Democratic Socialists Took On Centrists and the Right Wing at the Ballot Box
David Duhalde, deputy director of the Democratic Socialists of America, discusses the group's recent electoral success—and what they have planned for 2018.
Sarah Jaffe

Here’s Why Chicago Activists Are Against Rahm Emanuel’s $95 Million Cop Academy
A conversation with Monica Trinidad, a Chicago-based artist and organizer.
Sarah Jaffe

How SWAT Team Expos Are Militarizing Police Departments Across the Country
Instead of disaster preparedness and storm relief, resources are being funneled into violent police trainings and arms exchanges.
Tara Tabassi