Dayton Martindale is a freelance writer and former associate editor at In These Times. His work has also appeared in Boston Review, Earth Island Journal, Harbinger and The Next System Project. Follow him on Twitter: @DaytonRMartind.

It's on All of Us to Dismantle Colorism
People of color with darker skin tones make less money, face more health risks, and are more likely to be arrested than their lighter skinned counterparts. We have a collective responsibility to confront it.
Dayton Martindale
Meet Your Landlord’s Worst Nightmare: Tenants Unions
Nearly half of all renters in 2019 were spending more than 30% of their income on rent and utilities. Tenants have had enough—and they're doing something about it.
Dayton Martindale
Pessimism Is a Luxury We Can't Afford
The fights ahead are daunting—but the world is ours to win.
Dayton Martindale
“Terrorist” Rhetoric Makes Us All Less Safe
“Terrorism” is a term that lumps everyday Palestinians and Nelson Mandela in with ISIS and white supremacists. Is it time to retire it?
Dayton Martindale
DepartmentsThe Right-Wing Issue
Moms Against Fascism
LGBTQ parents in Southern California are fighting queerphobic hate with “a fuckton of spray paint” and “Know your Local Fascist” zines.
Dayton Martindale
DepartmentsThe Socialism Issue
Nationalization Is a Great American Tradition
The U.S. government has at various times taken control of radio, railroads, coal mines and banks. Today there are movements afoot to nationalize Amazon, SpaceX, transit and more.
Dayton Martindale
The Guerrilla Gardeners Seedbombing the Suburbs
How guerrilla gardeners supply healthy food, beautify their community and support the local ecosystem.
Dayton Martindale
Praxis Makes Perfect
How to stop treating politics like a spectator sport.
Dayton Martindale
The Case Against Industrial Animal Agriculture in 10 Statistics
The pandemic has slowed the growth of meat consumption around the world. Scientists argue we need to keep that trend going.
Dayton Martindale
10 Ways Remote Learning Is Failing Our Students
Returning to in-person learning poses many risks. So does staying at home.
Dayton Martindale
11 Statistics That Show Racism Is Entrenched in Our Healthcare System
Covid-19 is disproportionately harming Black Americans. This is not an exception, but the rule.
Dayton Martindale
9 Statistics That Show What a Miserable Failure the CARES Act Is
Major bailouts went to big corporations, giving them lasting security, while the rest of us got a temporary Band-Aid.
Dayton Martindale
10 Signs That Prove Big Pharma Could Care Less About Your Health
Drug companies are lobbying to protect their right to profit from any future Covid-19 vaccine.
Dayton Martindale
A Federal Jobs Program for Contact Tracing
To safely reopen the economy, we need a public health corps. Here's how to build it.
Dayton Martindale
Fake Meat Is All the Rage—And It Can Help Us Fight Climate Change
A case for the Impossible: the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Dayton Martindale
Why “High Hopes” Is the Perfect Dance Song for the Buttigieg Campaign
It’s a meritocratic fantasy.
Dayton Martindale
This Isn’t the First Time the United States Has Abandoned the Kurds
In 2014, the United States used Kurdish fighters to beat back ISIS, at great human cost, then left them behind.
Dayton Martindale
Any Good Climate Plan Must Address Poverty and Racism
Why climate justice advocates have been demanding this since long before the Green New Deal.
Dayton Martindale
Why We Need Young People To Run the Country—And Why I’m Voting for Bernie Anyway
You can't trust anyone over 30 years in office. Except maybe one.
Dayton Martindale
Hold the Applause. Biden’s Climate Plan Is Mostly Fluff.
Biden avoids taking on the fossil fuel industry by relying on vague promises and unproven technologies.
Dayton Martindale
Why We Devoted an Entire Issue to Climate Change
The most ambitious climate proposal ever seen on Capitol Hill is a call to action. We need to answer the call.
Dayton Martindale
Actually, We Don’t Need To Grow the Economy
Protecting the planet requires scaling down, not up.
Dayton Martindale
Portrait of the Environmentalist as a Young Arsonist
Abby Geni's new novel, The Wildlands, explores means and ends in the fight for animal and Earth liberation.
Dayton Martindale
Why Keith Ellison and Jeremy Corbyn Think We Should Cap CEO Pay
Does it make sense for a boss to earn more than 200 times what a worker does? The case for a maximum wage.
Dayton Martindale
Is Your Job Bullshit? David Graeber on Capitalism’s Endless Busywork
In his new book, the anarchist and anthropologist looks at why almost 40 percent of us think our jobs are meaningless.
Dayton Martindale
Universal Basic Income: A Primer
Here’s why everyone’s demanding free money from the government.
Dayton Martindale
Kim Stanley Robinson Makes the Socialist Case for Space Exploration
In an interview, the leftist sci-fi author argues that democratic space science is crucial to saving Earth.
Dayton Martindale
Ta-Nehisi Coates Made the Case for Reparations—Here’s Who Is Making the Plan
Black scholars and organizers are thinking beyond just a check.
Dayton Martindale
A Brief Case for Guaranteed Housing
Why housing should be a human right.
Dayton Martindale
A Socialist Case for Curbing Consumption To Stop Climate Change
Combating extractive capitalism is crucial. So is taking the bus.
Dayton Martindale
That Time When Virginia Woolf Called for Wages for Housework
Dayton Martindale
Does the Natural World Needs Its Own Bill of Rights?
Why environmentalists are working to grant rivers and mountains legal status.
Dayton Martindale
A Brief Case for Prison Abolition
We know prisons are racist, classist and abusive. Are they also obsolete?
Dayton Martindale
Building an Alternative to Capitalism From the Ground Up
A primer on the solidarity economy.
Dayton Martindale
Want a Radical Alternative to Trump’s Immigration Agenda? Try Open Borders.
It's not just a pipe dream.
Dayton Martindale
Single-Payer Healthcare In 5 Minutes Or Less
Everyone is getting behind this prescription for a better healthcare system. But what is it exactly?
Dayton Martindale
Democratic Socialism in 5 Minutes or Less
From Rosa Luxemburg to Bernie Sanders, a beginner’s guide.
Dayton Martindale
The Abolitionist of Walden Pond
Two hundred years after his birth, Henry David Thoreau is as relevant as ever.
Dayton Martindale
Don’t Mine What’s Ours
How a public-lands populism can fight Trump and the GOP.
Dayton Martindale
Toward a Real-Life Zootopia
How a fuller conception of freedom can help humans and others coexist.
Dayton Martindale
Defending the Commons: 40 Years of In These Times
As the corporate assault on the environment grow, so does the movement against it.
Dayton Martindale
An Indigenous Organizer at Standing Rock Speaks on Police Repression, Climate Chaos and Donald Trump
The water protectors at Standing Rock are still defiant in opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Dayton Martindale
Rural America
Listen, Omnivore! A Vegan’s Plea for Common Ground
Dayton Martindale
Rural America
We Got the Whole World in Our Hands, E.O. Wilson Says We Should Give Half of it Back
Dayton Martindale
Rebecca Solnit on Climate Change and How Political Activism Can Help Us Find Happiness
The longtime writer and activist discusses the hope found in uncertainty, her experience at the Paris climate talks, the role of the writer and more.
Dayton Martindale
Rural America
Lessons from the Original War on Coal: Class Conflict and the Fossil Economy
Dayton Martindale
Rural America
Veganic: Do Organic Farming and Urban Food Justice Have Room for Animal Rights?
Dayton Martindale
Rural America
Our Planet is Facing a New Mass Extinction: Can This Book Help Stop It?
Dayton Martindale
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